Legal Education
Black Femme Legal often hosts workshops for folks to know their rights. Topics include and are not limited to:
Employment Law
Tips for gig workers / Independent Contractors & Non-Unionized Workers
Information for Sex workers
*Check in for details about any upcoming workshops.
** Trans Misogynoir training now available **
Legal Resources
Below you will find a list of helpful clinics and lawyers that particularly deal with the types of cases BFL specializes in:
Legal Clinic Referrals
#AndMeToo is for people who identify as women, trans women, gender non-conforming and non-binary survivors of sexual violence or sexual harassment in the workplace, particularly those facing multiple forms of discrimination, who come from under-served communities, and who have complex socio-economic and legal needs, including:
Non-status & immigrant women
Survivors of gendered economic coercion including human trafficking
Black women
Indigenous women
HIV+ women
Women living with disabilities
Women with overlapping child custody, immigration, housing and employment needs
This program is for workers who are precariously employed. Precarious employment includes:
Being paid in cash
Workers with employer-specific work permits
Working for a temporary agency
Working seasonally or casually
Working on a term or contract
Self-employed or independent contracting
Working multiple jobs
Working part-time
Working for low wages
Working as a student or a volunteer
The Black Legal Action Centre can help people who are employed in non-unionized workplaces.
We provide summary advice and referrals to employees for;
Employment standards
Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB)
Wrongful dismissal matters
The Black Legal Action Centre may:
Act in employment standards claim matters where the amount claimed is calculated at $2,000 or more
Act for group claims for employment standards matters, if appropriate
Give summary advice and referrals for Small Claims matters arising from disputes with an employer over their employment standards claims.
The Black Legal Action Centre does not help with union grievances or complaints about union matters.
The Steps to Justice module below offers step-by-step information about employment law and other common legal problems.
The Workers’ Rights Division at PCLS strives to work from a broader perspective that views the employer-employee relationship as one of power, where the employer has more power than workers and has interests in common with other employers. We believe that when workers organize collectively they are better able to challenge the power of their employer.
Our broad goal is to work to collectivize workers’s struggles against their employers and improve wages, working conditions, including health and safety and human rights. Legal Casework done at PCLS, is completed not solely to be “representatives” – doing all the work for the worker, instead we work with the worker. We share information and tools to fight back. Ultimately, the decisions lie in the hands of the workers. Our Staff Lawyer, John No and Community Legal Worker, Mary Gellatly along with the support of caseworker law students are working to build a movement of workers!
Issues we work on include but are not limited to:
Basic rights in the workplace, including unpaid wages, minimum wage, pay for overtime, termination pay and other employment rights
Human rights in the workplace, including discrimination and harassment
Employment insurance benefits
Workplace rights for “independent contractors”, temp workers, live-in and live-out caregivers, and workers without status.
Independent legal advice for sexual assault victims
Learn how you can apply for free legal advice if you are a sexual assault victim.
Sexual assault is a crime. It includes any sexual contact that you don’t agree to such as:
unwanted sexual touching or sex
the use of force, threats or intimidation to make you do something sexual you do not want to do
If you are a victim of sexual assault living in Ontario and would like to speak to a lawyer, you may be eligible for up to four hours of free legal advice by phone or video conversation (for example, Skype or Zoom). This service does not include legal representation in court.
This service is confidential and is available any time after a sexual assault has occurred.
This program is available to all eligible women, men, trans and gender-diverse people. You can access the program if:
you are at least 16 years of age
you live in Ontario
the sexual assault happened in OntarioOur broad goal is to work to collectivize workers’s struggles against their employers and improve wages, working conditions, including health and safety and human rights. Legal Casework done at PCLS, is completed not solely to be “representatives” – doing all the work for the worker, instead we work with the worker. We share information and tools to fight back. Ultimately, the decisions lie in the hands of the workers. Our Staff Lawyer, John No and Community Legal Worker, Mary Gellatly along with the support of caseworker law students are working to build a movement of workers!
Issues we work on include but are not limited to:
Basic rights in the workplace, including unpaid wages, minimum wage, pay for overtime, termination pay and other employment rights
Human rights in the workplace, including discrimination and harassment
Employment insurance benefits
Workplace rights for “independent contractors”, temp workers, live-in and live-out caregivers, and workers without status.
Workers’ Action Centre’s organization and members are committed to improving the lives and working conditions of people in low-wage and unstable jobs.
Workers’ Action Centre wants to make sure that all of us have a voice at work and are treated with dignity and fairness. On their page you will find materials on your rights at work. You can also phone them if you need advice about a workplace problem you are facing, and request to speak to someone in your language.
Free over-the-phone and video-based general summary advice on a full range of legal issues. Advice includes but is not limited to:
administrative law (ODSP, human rights)
family law
employment law
mental health law
issues with the police
debt issues
form and legal documentation review
One-time virtual consultation, by appointment only.
Contact, or call 416-392-6874.
Consultations will be scheduled between 6:00 pm-8:30 pm, every Tuesday and Thursday.
Appointments will be scheduled after a brief intake
Referrals will be made on a case-by-case basis
If you are a victim of workplace sexual harassment, please call our dedicated Workplace Sexual Harassment Hotline at 1-855-776-1855 to speak with a lawyer. The Workplace Sexual Harassment Hotline has been made possible thanks to special funding by the Department of Justice.
Free legal assistance for individuals who are victims of workplace sexual harassment.
Speak to a lawyer & receive:
Help identifying the nature of your legal issues
Advice and assistance on steps you can take yourself
Help drafting letters and basic legal documents for use in the Ontario justice system
Where appropriate, referrals to pro bono and other lawyers
Who is eligible:
Individuals who are victims of workplace sexual harassment who are or were employed in Ontario.
The Workplace Sexual Harassment Hotline is open to calls Monday to Friday, 1pm – 7pm EST. Please note, the hotline is closed on statutory holidays.
To get in touch with the hotline, please call: 1-855-776-1855.
The Workplace Sexual Harassment Hotline has been made possible thanks to special funding by the Department of Justice.
For more information on Pro Bono Ontario’s Terms and Conditions, please visit
Common Employment Issues
A job is an essential part of most people’s lives. People face many difficult issues at work. It is very important to know what your rights are and what you can do if you face a legal issue at work. Here are some examples of common employment questions we receive on the Hotline:
I was dismissed from work and want to know my rights
I was fired. Am I entitled to severance?
My employer made changes to my job that I’m unhappy with
My employer says that I’m an independent contractor, but I disagree
I am being investigated or disciplined at work
I’m facing discrimination at work
My employer is withholding my pay
I’m concerned about the safety of my workplace
Hamilton Community Legal Clinic offers employment law summary advice and representation to workers facing legal issues in their employment. These problems might have to do with:
employment standards (like receiving minimum wage, overtime pay, and taking job protected leaves of absences)
human rights (such as being discriminated against for your ethnic background or disability)
being fired from your job.
Our goal is to provide information on rights and responsibilities, offer resources, and, when financially eligible, possibly provide representation to try to resolve the legal issue.
For quick information on some of your rights as a worker in Ontario, please click on Steps to Justice. This Ministry of Labour link provides helpful information and offers tools such as severance calculators:
The Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (SHIW) Project exists to address sexual harassment in the workplace. Through the SHIW Project, legal clinics throughout Ontario are working to reduce sexual harassment in the workplace and improve access to justice.
The Elgin-Oxford Legal Clinic (EOLC) and the Huron Perth Community Legal Clinic (HPLC) are working together on this project to address sexual harassment in the workplace in the areas covered by both clinics. The Elgin-Oxford Legal Clinic (EOLC) and the Huron Perth Community Legal Clinic (HPLC) will provide legal information and advice to individuals on sexual harassment in the workplace, including information and advice on human rights and other employment rights.
Lawyer Referrals
Franklin Law helps employees Fight injustice at work
Like you, we have been workers all of our lives. Franklin Law is made up of a group of employment, human rights, and labour lawyers, all of whom have made a decision to represent employees and other working people. We fight injustice at work because we know about the discrimination, harassment, bullying, and other mistreatment that employees often put up with, and about the injustices that they suffer when they are wrongfully dismissed without compensation or severance pay.
We are personal injury lawyers for injured cyclists and vulnerable people, deeply committed to the betterment of our communities.
We are pragmatic advocates practicing in the areas of workplace law, human rights, and civil litigation. We help employees, contractors, professionals, unions, not-for-profits, and businesses of all sizes assert their rights, resolve disputes, and navigate challenging transitions - particularly those related to their workplaces or ability to work. We are passionate advocates who care deeply about our clients and about access to justice. We appreciate that every client and problem is unique. We start by taking the time to understand your goals and arm you with the tools and information necessary to make the right decisions. We approach every client issue with skills, smarts, compassion, and creativity.The Elgin-Oxford Legal Clinic (EOLC) and the Huron Perth Community Legal Clinic (HPLC) are working together on this project to address sexual harassment in the workplace in the areas covered by both clinics. The Elgin-Oxford Legal Clinic (EOLC) and the Huron Perth Community Legal Clinic (HPLC) will provide legal information and advice to individuals on sexual harassment in the workplace, including information and advice on human rights and other employment rights.
Dealing with challenges at work can be among the most stressful periods of your life. You don't have to do it alone. When you partner with Kompa Law you get the employment and human rights law expertise you would expect from a large firm with the personal touch of a sole practitioner.